Art Director and Motion Designer based in Paris. I have been working for more than 8 years with brands to create their identities, tell visual stories and build digital products.


–  2D & 3D animations
– Product overview / Video shooting
– Advertising for the web and social networks
– Shooting photo / Lookbooks / Retouche
– Game trailers Fx for Tv

GRAPHIC DESIGN (Desktop – Mobile – Print)

– Logos / Graphic charts
– Banners, Posters, Packaging
– Infographics – Communication supports
– Print : Business cards, flyers, brochures, posters
– Ux / Pictos, Call to action, Mockup, User test




– Market study, Benchmark
– Elaboration of a communication plan
– Deployment, writing and design of newsletters
– Google Analytics



– Music for commercials, jingles, video game soundtracks
– Music for TV series
– Music for shows
– Music for fun


You can have a look at my graphic and design experiments in my Lab and check my Behance to see others projects




Holder of a bachelor’s degree in Communication at SUPDEPUB, and passionate about music I decided to start an accelerated training at the S.A.E Institute Paris to become a sound engineer.

I composed and mixed for several music projects appeared in commercials and series like Misfits or more recently « Braqueurs » on Netflix.

This led me to play and make concerts and festivals like the Printemps de Bourges, the Eurockéennes and to play in many clubs in France, England, Germany…

I joined Trans-Faire for the launch of the e-learning platform by making videos to explain the sports jobs by professional coaches with mainly the French Tennis Federation (FFT)

I worked as an Art Director for 2 years for LECHEMISEUR®, a custom shirt brand. I helped develop the brand identity, UX and communication to offer a seamless experience for customers.

I’m currently Art Director – Motion Designer at Glory Paris, a communications agency based in Paris. I work for brands such as Subway, Futuroscope, Chateau Boursault, VYV, Roole…



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