A.D : Romain Nouhi

C.W : Tom Fessard

Charity : WWF

Agency : Glory Paris

Featured on Creapills

The concept of the WWF campaign is to raise public awareness of the ecological emergency using a striking visual approach. The posters present a wild, beautiful and precious setting, which may initially seem peaceful and pleasant. However, a closer look reveals words of warning discreetly embedded in the landscape, often camouflaged in vegetation or relief.

In the midst of this idyllic scene, endangered animals are also depicted, underlining the threat to biodiversity. These magnificent and vulnerable creatures are present to evoke the direct impact of our actions on nature and wildlife.

The campaign tagline, « Squint but don’t close your eyes in the face of ecological urgency », encourages viewers to look closely and become aware of the reality hidden behind nature’s apparent beauty.


See on Creapills


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